
The Most Successful Software Company, International Success and Career Awards, 2022

International Success and Career Awards recognizes the most successful companies in all service-oriented companies. SmartOpt® received this award for their innovative approaches to complete suite of solutions for complex end-to-end supply chain problems. At the strategic level NetOpt® allows organizations to design and update local and international supply chains and PriceOpt® determines the prices of products and services. At the planning level, ForecastOpt®, PlanOpt®, InventoryOpt®, optimizes the end-to-end supply chain planning considering the triple bottom line accounting of sustainability.  At the operational level, MilkRunOpt® and RouteOpt® optimizes the first-mile, mid-mile and last-mile operations regarding logistics from financial and emission perspectives. This sustainability-focused approach of SmartOpt® enables organizations to comply with environmental regulation while maximizing their profits. SmartOpt® has a record of providing 30% decrease in supply chain costs.
